Al Qusais Residences Master Plan, Dubai, UAE I
Project Area: 53.89 Ha / 133.17 Acre
Built up: 12,98,664 sq.m / 13978703 sq.ft
Scope of Work: Master Planning
The site is centrally located between four major axes/nodes, the site is adjacent to Dubai international airport, Dubai-Sharjah road and sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed road and Sharjah border.
Climatic conditions and surrounding conditions were thoroughly studied and considered before the conceptualization of the design. The site is well connected to Dubai public transport system and adjacent to community facilities. The terrain of the site was flat and was ready for development. However, the site is also close to the industrial area subjecting it to industrial activities.
This project presented us with an opportunity to create affordable housing due to the affordable cost of land and construction. Although affordable, our goal was to build a unique identity to Al-Qusais residences ensuring a high quality of life style, pedestrian comfort and introducing human scale streetscapes.
The site has been divided into 4 neighbourhoods through 2 main axial roads. One is northwest to southeast and another is north east to south west.
Each neighbourhood is elf sufficient with mixed use development at the periphery and green open space and community facility at the centre. Each neighbourhood is planned to be within a walkable radius of 300m.
The commercial mixed-use residence has been placed on the periphery of the site along the major road, providing easy connectivity to other parts of the city. The low-density residences are placed at the central areas with easy accessibility to open space and community facilities.
The master plan consists of 3 building typologies. The height of the buildings decreases from the periphery to centre of the neighbourhood. Higher building heights at the periphery defines the neighbourhood boundaries.
The project roads have been classified according to Dubai manual standards.
The open space strategy was to distribute the park facilities equally within the Al-Qusais residential development. The parks are integrated into the community centre comprised of the jummah mosque, nursery, retail and day care centre. The parks are classified as per the following typologies:
Active recreation event park
Active urban park
Passive family park
Passive community park
The parks are located in the centre of each neighbourhood to have a convenient access and allow equal opportunities to all the residents to benefit from the park facilities. Each park is zoned to create dynamic urban spaces and provide comfort to all the park users. The goal is to encourage active lifestyle and have the residents develop a community sense of ownership.
The entire development will feature a variety of plant species to compliment the contemporary urban setting and to suit the various functions of the open space. The hardscape materials for the parks and streetscape will feature a contemporary design language characterized by clean and sleek termination lines.
Canopy trees will be the primary shading provision for the pedestrian realm that enhances the neighbourhood pedestrian connectivity and urban liveability.
Architectural shade structures such as light coloured tensile fabric shading will be utilized at larger public gathering areas and children’s play areas to accommodate more space and flexible use of the area.